Friday, July 12, 2013


Since daddy's call name is River, have decided to use World Rivers as the theme for the litter, and the puppies will be named after World Rivers.  The girls will be: Seine (France), Volga (Russia), Danube (Europe), Thames (England), Lena (russia) and Mekong (Asia). The boys will be Nile (Africa), Niger (Nigeria), Nelson (Canada), Yangtze (China), Yukon (US). Will not put individual names to each puppy tho til their markings and personalities are more evident.  Maybe around week 4???

Had thought I would have more individual face shots this posting, but did not work out that way, so here are some close up shots of the pups as they sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo cute... can't wait to see them in person in a month.
