Saturday, July 6, 2013


Re-arranged whelping box with removal of the "warming box" to give Holly more room to stretch out and take care of all 11 at one time.  She is now relaxed enuf to do this and all the pups are quite content to be with momma all the time.  I just make sure that the two smaller pups are always at "prime" nursing stations and not pushed out by the bigger ones.

Today, Saturday, all fresh bedding and all new yarn necklaces.  This is the first litter I have allowed id bands on their little necks but it seems to work out o.k. til I can see better the individual markings and ID each pup that way.

Next planned update:  Monday after they each get weighed and have their little nails cut.  It is important to cut the puppy nails each week to prevent them from scratching momma's tummy....lotsa nails to do!!!!! Will aim for some individual headshots of the babes.

1 comment:

  1. They are soooooo sweet. Holly looks wonderful.... Hugs Holly and babies... I can't wait to see all of you next Month.

    Grandma Raina, Cousin Sunset and Aunt Cindy
