Sunday, July 21, 2013


Now that the puppies are up on their feet better, it is time to give them more space, and to allow them to learn to use their newspapers for potty, rather than their bedding.  Today they moved into a different pen, and in a day or so that pen will be made even larger to give them  more space. Only one change at a time for now since puppies do not like change. As they move around, they develop muscle condition and control, as well as take advantage of their desire to be clean.
Momma Holly thinks the new digs are just fine!!!!

Tomorrow is weekly weigh-in as well as 198 NAILS --  and an introduction to eating out of a dish.....will be great fun for all --  will put pix up on Tuesday.....

1 comment:

  1. I love to watch them learn to eat out of the pan..... see you guys soon.... Grandma Raina, Aunt Cindy and Cousin Sunset
